True Happiness

person, human, joy

What is true happiness? It is being in relationship with our Creator. We were made to have deep relationships and He pursues us to have that with Him!

All desire to be happy,
But sometimes we feel real crappy.
We seek everywhere for pleasure,
And we want the greatest treasure.

Often we seek in wrong places ,
Without a smile on our faces.
Though In our recent attraction
We now find no satisfaction.

Though we sought all out for the joy,
All we received was a decoy.
We really searched for happiness,
But all we feel is crappiness.

Desperately wanting to win,
We gave in and fell into sin.
No it is not there we exclaim!
All we have found there is just lame!

Yet the answer is not so far,
We don’t have to reach for a star.
The  right answer is in the One
Who has exclaimed that it is done!

The high price has been fully paid!
The way to real joy has been made!

​~Vladimir Gundorin